Jun 4, 2024, 7:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)
TechSoup Connect Canada Chapter
The current fundraising system is broken, costly, and unfair, prompting an initiative to improve it by creating a universal charity proposal, with a collaborative session planned for June 4th to discuss insights from over 100 philanthropists and numerous charities.
The current fundraising paradigm is broken. It's inefficient (costing philanthropists and charities over $70 billion dollars just in "major philanthropy" alone), it's inequitable (with only around 4% of Foundation dollars going to BIPOC-led charities), and it's ineffective (with major donors dropping out of giving faster than any other group of donors).
Jeff Golby and WellFunded.io are working with a group of Philanthropists and Charities to try to bridge the gap, in part by building a common proposal for charities to represent themselves. But we need your help. Join Jeff on June 4th for a working session to discuss some of the learnings from interviewing over 100 Philanthropists and even more charities, and then let's workshop how to build the perfect common proposal together.
CEO and Founder