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#16Days Tech Clinic - 10 Ways To Prevent Adult Cyberbullying

Nov 29, 2021, 8:00 – 9:30 AM (UTC)

TechSoup Connect Southern Africa

#eSafetySouthernAfrica is an online and in-person capacity building programme to empower and equip nonprofit organisations in Southern Africa with the necessary tools required to eliminate cyberbullying and online abuse

Digital security

About this event

Technology-facilitated GBV and cyberbullying is not something that will self-correct. It will take empathy, strategic and sustained action, based on an understanding of its root cause, to break the cycle. We believe that technology can be a powerful tool to campaign against gender-based violence and cyberbullying, when used responsibly.

Join us for this special #16Days virtual Tech Clinic to discuss

- Ten ways to prevent cyberbullying 
- What to do if you are being cyberbullied
- How to prevent your Facebook account from being hacked or compromised 


  • Lesley Mallon

    THINK Social Media

  • Samantha Barnard

    Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC

    Development Lead



Monday, November 29, 2021
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM (UTC)


8:00 AM
What is Technology-Facilitated GBV And Where Can You Find Our #16Days Resources?
Samantha & Di
8:15 AM
How To Prevent Your Facebook Account From Being Hacked
8:45 AM
Samantha & Lesley
9:00 AM
Ten Ways To Prevent Adult Cyberbullying
Samantha & Di


  • Di Ruthenberg

    Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC

    Progamme Coordinator

  • Arnold Netshambidi

    Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC

    Executive Director


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