May 8, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Join NGOsource for a fireside chat with seasoned Kenyan consultant and locally-led development expert, Susan Njambi.
Hear from seasoned Kenyan consultant and locally-led development expert, Susan Njambi, as she shares learnings from more than two decades of collaboration with philanthropists, civil society groups, development agencies, and other actors in the development ecosystem. Njambi’s consulting firm, Lusoma Advisory Services, was born out of Njambi’s awakening to the reality of the gap between larger development policy agendas and the practices of local development actors. Njambi’s work seeks to fill this gap by supporting ways to amplify the infrastructure and voices of local organizations, allowing them the opportunity to influence and inform larger development agendas and partnerships. At this “fireside chat,” Njambi will share best practices and answer questions from the audience on her strategies and recommendations.
Lusoma Advisory Services