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Recruiting and Engaging an All-Star Board with Governance Technology

Jun 13, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

TechSoup Events and Webinars

Learn how to maximize board members' skills and contributions to nonprofit organizations using software that helps with board governance.

About this event

We have archived this event. You can view the recording here.

Successful nonprofit boards share two things in common: They reflect the communities they serve, and they exhibit the skills, backgrounds, and experience their organization requires. Though it may seem obvious, many boards struggle to achieve this ideal composition.

Fortunately, innovative technology is revolutionizing the ways nonprofit leaders can build the board their communities and organizations deserve. Join a discussion about how this technology helps nonprofits recruit, develop, and engage a board that will lead their organization strategically and responsibly.

In this session, attendees will learn how modern governance software helps nonprofit boards:

  • Evaluate and track board composition
  • Enhance recruitment and succession planning
  • Maximize board members’ skills and contribution to the organization