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How to Use the Summer to Prepare Your Organization for Grant Seeking

Jun 15, 2021, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

TechSoup Events and Webinars

Is your organization interested in attracting grant funding to help start, maintain, and expand your programs? Great! You can use this summer’s “downtime” to get your organization ready for grant success.

Fundraising + development

About this event

We have archived this event. You can view the recording here.

Is your organization interested in attracting grant funding to help start, maintain, and expand your programs? Great! You can use this summer’s “downtime” to get your organization ready for grant success. So what can you expect to find in the grant world and how can you prepare for it?

If your organization has not lined up the information, people, and other resources you’re going to need, you will be wasting your time and money pursuing grants. You need to make sure you are ready and able to take this on.

In this introductory webinar, we will:

  • Preview the “Grant Roadmap” that you will travel along
  • Discuss things to consider about the grant world before taking the plunge
  • List the 8 information essentials you need to have at your fingertips
  • Identify the skills and resources you’ll need on your grant team