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Public Good App House


798 members

Public Good App House Office Hours is a recurring community space designed for public good technology enthusiasts who are passionate about building and harnessing technology to create a positive impact on civil society. These sessions aim to foster collaboration, enable knowledge sharing and provide a safe space to get answers to the pressing questions inhibiting the development and adoption of public good technologies.

During Office Hours, participants gather to discuss sector trends, innovative projects, new tools and challenges in public good technology sector.

The event serves as a platform for members to:

  1. Understand and support their fellow Makers intent on creating meaningful experiences and products for civil society. We will empower Makers to develop solutions that address pressing societal challenges.
  2. Share the meaningful stories and experiences that drive Makers to create solutions. We will create a space for inspiration and serendipity to emerge from the exchange of ideas, naming frictions, and identifying the obstacles inhibiting progress.
  3. Connect directly with Maker leaders working for civil society. We will facilitate mentorships and enable networking between Makers who are advancing the development and adoption of innovative new products for civil society. 

Past events

Public Good App House

Advancing Impact Measurement: Exploring New Approaches for Evaluating Success

Public Good App House

Securing the Future: Activists and Decentralized Security Solutions

Public Good App House

Building the Commons: Community Archiving & Decentralized Storage

Public Good App House

Crafting Our Collective Future: Accelerating Makers Town Hall [Session 2]