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Building the Commons: Community Archiving & Decentralized Storage

Apr 25, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Public Good App House

Designed for enthusiasts in community archiving, research, and library sciences, these are talks and demos by leading Makers of public good technologies.

Public Good App House

About this event

We have archived this event. You can view the recording here.

This event shines a spotlight on the intersection of decentralized storage solutions and community archive projects. For years, digital archiving has been essential for preserving historical documents and community memories. However, traditional storage methods increasingly face issues around costs, data ownership, privacy concerns, and accessibility limitations. This is where decentralized storage offers a fresh approach to safeguarding vast public datasets.

Designed for enthusiasts and professionals in community archiving, research, and library sciences, this event will be a mix of talks and demos by leading Makers of public good technologies.

Event Agenda

Opening Remarks:

Danny O’Brien, Senior Fellow & DWeb Strategy, Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web

Featured Demos:

Demo 1: TRANSFER Trust: Decentralizing Contemporary Art. Kelani Nichole will introduce her project, which introduces an emergent movement of artists transferring trust into decentralized infrastructure to create new forms of cultural value.

Demo 2: Save, by OpenArchive: a Secure Archiving Verification Mobile App. Natalie Cadranel and Lauren Salim will demo Save, which helps you share, archive, verify, and encrypt your evidentiary media.

Demo 3: Truth, Justice, and the Decentralized Way: Investigative Journalism Meets Dweb Archiving. Adam Rose will show how a groundbreaking cryptographic archive published by Rolling Stone helped reopen a 30-year-old cold case using the Starling Framework: Capture, Store, Verify.

Why You Should Attend

  1. Learn about the benefits of harnessing decentralized storage to enhance data security, accessibility, and resilience of community archiving initiatives.
  2. Engage with leading public good technologists through product demonstrations.
  3. Participate in a Q&A session to delve deeper into the benefits and practical applications of decentralized solutions.
  4. Network with fellow community archivists, researchers, and librarians, fostering connections and collaborations for future projects.

Be part of the conversation shaping the future of community archiving and decentralized storage! 

This event is supported by an award from the Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web.

Public Good App House is a project of Caravan Studios, a division of TechSoup.


  • Danny O'Brien

    Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web

    Senior Fellow & DWeb Strategy

  • Kelani Nichole



  • Natalie Cadranel


    Founder & Executive Director

  • Lauren Salim


    Program Director

  • Adam Rose


    Starling Lab


  • Billy Bicket


    Head of Maker Labs