Nov 16, 2021, 9:00 – 10:00 PM (UTC)
TechSoup Connect Timebanking Organizations Chapter
Nonprofits can accept cryptocurrency donations, have it converted to cash, transferred to their bank. Yogi Berra said "cash is as good as money" - he might have added "so is crypto." Join Tina Roh, co-founder, to demystify cryptocurrency - digital currency managed by a decentralized system using cryptography (secure communication between sender and recipient).
"Demystifying Cryptocurrency Donations" is a special TechSoup Connect session. Nonprofits can safely accept cryptocurrency donations, have it converted to cash, and transferred to their bank. Yogi Berra said "cash is as good as money" - he might have added "so is crypto." Join Tina Roh, co-founder, to demystify cryptocurrency - a digital currency managed by a decentralized system using cryptography (secure communication between sender and recipient). Learn about the significant donations that holders of cryptocurrency are making to support the work of nonprofits. is a technology platform connecting people and nonprofits through a simple and social giving experience. Free for nonprofits, built by a nonprofit.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (UTC)
9:00 PM | TechSoup Connect Welcome |
9:10 PM | Demystifying Cryptocurrency Donations |
9:40 PM | Cryptocurrency Q&A |
9:50 PM | Summary |