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5 Components of an Automated Marketing System

Feb 8, 2023, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

TechSoup Connect WordPress for Nonprofits Chapter

A well-automated automated marketing system focuses on educating and nurturing prospective donors. They’re signing up to receive valuable content you’re giving away in exchange for their name and email address. Learn the five major components of creating your Automated Marketing System.

Communications + marketing

About this event

What would your nonprofit be like if the phone didn’t ring, emails didn’t come through, and no one visited your website?

Without new inquiries, you are limited to your existing donor base, which will naturally drop in size over time.

You need a system to handle new inquiries and ensure they’re a suitable fit for your business. Unfortunately, this can lead to wasted time.

What if you could have a system on your website that attracts the type of donor you want to work with, educates them, and positions your nonprofit as the expert?

Join this webinar to learn about lead generation systems and why they are perfect for your nonprofit. By the end, you will:

  • Understand the key elements that make up your new lead generation system.
  • Learn how to get into the mindset of your donors and think about their most significant problems or concerns.
  • See how automation can run your lead generation system while you sleep, nurturing and educating your prospects.
  • Find out why having a predictable pipeline of donors will ensure you stay off the fundraising rollercoaster.
  • Learn how to test and tweak your lead generation system, helping you to squeeze out the best results.
  • Find out about Google's Ad Grant for eligible nonprofits, where you can get $10,000/month FOR FREE to apply towards paid advertising.


  • George Woodard

    eLsqrd Media Group

    WordPress Web Developer


  • George Woodard

    eLsqrd Media Group
